oversized sweaters

There’s nothing worse than feeling like your clothes are making you look fat. But unfortunately, some styles of clothing can do just that. If you’re struggling to find clothing that flatters your figure, look at these types of sweaters and jumpers that tend to make people look plump. With this knowledge, you can avoid these styles and feel confident in your clothing choices.

Oversized sweaters

Sometimes, even if fashion experts say it is okay, wearing baggy clothes can make you look bad. The clothes are supposed to look loose and comfortable, but sometimes they look too big and sloppy. It can make you look heavier than you are and is not fashionable. For example, if you want to wear an oversized sweater, ensure it is not too big and fits nicely on the shoulders. You don’t want the sweater to be so oversized that it swallows you up.

Chunky knit sweaters

Another type of sweater that can cause problems is the chunky knit sweater. Again, we want to avoid offending cozy knitted sweaters – braided pigtails look very cute at home. But if the knitted elements are too big for your proportions, they will make you look shorter and heavier. If you must wear a chunky knit sweater, try to balance it with skinny jeans or a slim skirt. It will help to proportion your figure and keep you from looking frumpy.


Baggy sleeves

Some people like sleeves that are big and fall over their shoulders. But these types of sleeves can be heavy and sometimes cause wrinkles in the fabric. If the sleeve is not designed correctly, it can cause fashion experts to call it the “baby crease” effect, which means that the fabric in the middle of the arm turns into bagels. It does not look slimming! If you want to wear a sweater with baggy sleeves, be sure that the fabric is thick enough and that the sleeves are short enough.


Turtlenecks can be very comfortable, but they are only sometimes flattering. Turtlenecks can make you look like you have no neck if you have a short neck. They can also make you look heavier than you are because they add bulk to your figure. If you must wear a turtleneck, try to balance it with a bottom that is not too baggy. Skinny jeans or a pencil skirt would be a good choice.

Sports elastic

Some jumpers, or sweaters, have elastic at the bottom. It keeps you from feeling cold air and keeps the clothing in place, so it does not get in the way of fast movements. The elastic might not make the jumper too tight, but even a slight stretch is enough for your sweater or jumper to “jump” up as you walk and gather at the waist with a roller. Don’t try to fool yourself by pulling the material down during the fitting; rather, walk a couple of meters. If the fabric begins to gather ugly, extra volume is guaranteed.